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season annual Junior year senior yearly around august may calendar evergreen perennial march midyear summer per annum seasonal sophomore annually New Year winter april January July yearling November February month September June October December yesteryear twelvemonth an date vintage yearbook anniversary biannual missal epact class quarterly year-round freshman New Year's Eve biennial annals hogget session intercalary sore seasonable term trimester
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year-end yr overyear prime prom New Year's Day FY leap year seasonally semester close season new-year year round quinquennial autumn anno Domini locust bicentennial birthday off-season solstice ad calendar year hoggerel fall teg sabbatical year millennial solar year school year sorel spring unseasonable semiyearly biyearly Ramadan Sabbatical tag millennium crop superannuate Rosh Hashanah jubilee foal year–end y dog days Tet quarter light year yearround interim gross domestic product ember hearse year–round derby yearlong grade earth-year fiscal infant mortality gross national product vivacious pricket light-year spay kindergarten Telangana hog regnal solar My. junior college matric baccalaureate Ju. [or] Jn. Christmastide Jy. [or] Jl. growing season lunisolar ring in hart fawn movable Perseid hind resident calendar month BC rut ah low season fiscal year fresher ab bicentenary equinox Sivan Elul proper multiyear Christian year vacation high season almanac reception year-to-date The Iliad year-on-year reserve clause JC muharram New Year's Day [or] New Year's Day bissextile natality leveret one day/night/year etc first grade round beet the holiday season date of birth coming bud CY dog's year academical year year-over-year perpetual lectionary second half year's end summertime holiday Tishri commencement annal holiday season sun continuous audit AUC year end plebe congress feverous term time open season the Christian era in the year of grace (or Our Lord) —— Tammuz banner last Brabham, Sir Jack all year round final away pullet final dividend birth rate volume Kislev Rooney, Mickey rathe Auld Lang Syne half (all) round the year fiar polycarpic quarter day bairam Sothic Tebet handsel Julian calendar the Gregorian calendar Juan Carlos transfer window annual report of the year fertility centenary year–bearer Berger, Thomas Hamilton, Lewis Eusebio Bacall, Lauren migrant year-long quarter-day migrate boarding school senior college consul ephemeris see the new year in academic year Schoolies Week corm sebat IGY pine quarter waiter Grammy profit snow line the World Series hansel tony regnal year Handsel Monday lightyear ha date letter semiannual deciduous clock butternut centennial the TUC GDP sidereal year Seeger, Pete sick leave Y2K Gregorian calendar annus horribilis fallow turn the Olympics James, P. D. Resnais, Alain time of year tide half-yearly Metonic cycle Triple Crown Gordimer, Nadine Caesar, Sid concurrent Di Stefano, Alfredo Angelou, Maya leaf-fall Reynolds, Albert beginning of year freeze-up all day/week/year etc long Gregorian year mort Asin Jeth dot Phagun Asarh Bhadon the festive season kid primary hornotine year of grace Magh fuchs Baisakh hopper sing in (or out) the new (or old) year Sawan yearful Kartik Chait see out hemuse all–year out–year pa Benn, Tony John Paul II Jaruzelski, Wojciech euro Suez Canal time Jumada al–Awwal Jumada al–Thani Rabi al–Awwal the Blue Book brandling harvest New Year's Dhu'l–Qadah Rabi al–Thani seven–year apple the week/month/year before last Christian Era frost time Lammas Rajab Safar Old English YOY Temple, Shirley mating season sorrel the days/week(s)/year(s) to come rabbit season magistrand quincentenary broach knobbler standover Sharon, Ariel Dhu'l–Hijja shed the night/week/year etc before last round-the-year open port half-year Shawwal back–calving Shaban Chinese New Year Palm Sunday brood foundation back-to-school solemnize natural premium perfect year form medieval mortality rate aftercrop bissextile year fixed eponymate fixed year first quarter quatercentenary rathe-ripe sillock aughties perennity semisedentary slip seed sprag zone coddymoddy course New Year's resolution first half leap day financial year defective year perennially regular year embolismical accounting year towmond shemittah tax year equinoctial year year-earlier to–year classic church Church year Nisan embolism periodical year toyear after Felipe VI Iyar Shebat New Year’s resolution the turn of the century/year final accounts Sanders, Barry terminal reserve Heshvan chairman's statement ring out seasonality initial reserve year to date all-year brocket end-of-year annualized internal rate of return cock incunable Julian year eighty vague year go down county sessions New Year’s Day cynical zif saint’s day Jan. Apr. curtate B.C. Wesak sing yellow dip the day/week/year etc after next four–quarter plan football season Dec. full-year loss lambing season sporting calendar Martinmas term sign of the zodiac siddur postneonatal great Sacrament sunday Aug. uranian saturnian new potato am Oct. rutting grand climacteric sabbath Mardi Gras Nov. rowen spire youngster Feb. back end Candlemas term in the year of our Lord investment reserve festive season the Orange Prize cenogonous spring-clean red-bream sexcentenary leap-day Sun Valley saint's day short-period rate silver anniversary sack Leonid mild annual return Atlantic Daylight Time Cruft’s anomalistic year rareripe blackfin cynic Great Lent Flat season entermewer Isthmian games haab immovable feast Sept. multiple cropping Moon Before Yule Pythiad promise first footing Christmas virgin dip sorefalcon Trinitytide energy undated see in calendar quarter feeing market house physician effective annual rate first-half loss first-half profit Jumada migratory Rabi sophister Beaujolais Nouveau compliments of the season chicken tercentenary underclassman the day/week/year etc after dying billet blink current day unseasonal annual loss wrangler first-foot twenty ten depreciation rate a year and a day rain reg promenade oakboy Fortune 500™ average acclaim wardrobe collect for the day to the day annual value infanticide theave carry upperclassman Christmas season intermittent reconcile planetary augmentation death rate fire season q Trojan War Pacific Daylight Time marking period season's greetings Jewish New Year Mountain Daylight Time polycarpous dividend growth batchmate in annual earnings visitor eye house surgeon the dry season golden anniversary movable feast personal allowance personal exemption second-quarter on–year birthdate wintertime turnover pinch final (exam) next-to-last Abitur out of season Eastern Daylight Time stint house officer guarantee infant fourth fourth quarter third-quarter trading period doolie treasury certificate the Champions League like Marcheshvan produce semiannually sextennial annotinous one-year-old one-eared isocryme fail germinal the Civil List millennium bug Finney, Sir Tom yo soph year–around declining balance method Ethanim trophy thirty numerology the rainy season typicon sesquicentenary heliacal year CNY Abib loss ratio termination Bianchi umrah flytime affiliate numeral yield flu season the FA Cup ice time tisri nullah Songkran thirteenth cheque average earnings index adar pennant ascii B.C.E. through seasonal unemployment piltock ordo the Beige Book memorandum national product board odds veadar semi-annual periodical cicada yob triennial prairial temporale the Masters Tournament year of confusion salary directors' report expiration usher freshman week migration throughout seventieth weekend warrior term paper Passover tebeth lunar year anomalistic twice yearly twice a year biennium dominical letter Remembrancetide dendrochronology suffect advent clearing seventy revenue preteen associate except develop out comparatives carnet dead season cyclical demand olympiad imperial tea lower sixth federal budget carthusian postmark annuity breeding ground the long-term unemployed billing amount falling due after one year grand slam depreciate ritual summer fallow UCCA Pythian games gross product ice cave Federer the Melbourne Cup marching season Barnaby bright chisleu nonresident marbles incunabulum in season bore early fair rainforest [or] rain forest Atlantic Standard Time teachers college Emmy solar equation Binet–Simon scale ascians Eudoxus of Cnidus iron mortality academic calendar chickweed deacon century Odyssey school holiday Bafta Cannes Eastern Standard Time let aftermath amount falling due within one year eponymous tax selling time-share lapse Diwali Pacific Standard Time peak season fare peak season Pulitzer Prize lower boy spruce anno lucis short session indiction the Turner Prize hog-killing time exact interest net annual value postdate nonledger assets dominical year class fold opimian wanderjahr antecede Best, George carry over diary the Reith Lectures cycle the State Opening of Parliament go up fixed-income gross annual income ordinary dividend real GDP man–year Mountain Standard Time postmortem dividend primocane winter count Tony Award date-mark alternate intervene spencer all-season budget deficit Independence Day basic salary roll stigma middler pelicanry Hogmanay the millennium nickel swy biferous raith SLAN caulocarpic perennialize prytany cup holder Budget Day Venus calendar Thammuz Hipparchus Sexagesima current yield u ronin committee of supply ice-out Attenborough, Richard analemma yr. octennial annus mirabilis thrinter bullet pug second zodiac Iyyar dead-end during Hesvan boy gap-year Holy Year dies comitialis crib death leap second melon peak first menology dividend planner parallactic orbit straight bond Group of Eight magenta sun sign Quinquagesima the Queen’s Speech deferred annuity thaw cooperation loan value sudden infant death syndrome Christmas box dies fastus floating holiday Gorsedd GDP per capita inexplicably Great Forty Days

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Words For "the year 2014"

As you've probably noticed, words for "the year 2014" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "the year 2014" are: season, annual, Junior, year, and senior. There are 895 other words that are related to or similar to the year 2014 listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "the year 2014" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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